
How to Overcome Resistance to Good Things

It’s time for a workout but you are full of dread about doing it.

Or the idea of trying to sit down to journal is making you want to go do that workout instead.

Resistance can mess with our best laid intentions and goals. And when it does it can then bring on things like self-judgement, negative talk and eventually creating bad habits.

Before it gets to that phase let’s dig into how get past resistance.

Let’s start by understanding what resistance is.

What is Resistance?

The definition of resistance includes the refusal to accept and an attempt to prevent something from happening. In short you are blocking something. And it is not necessarily blocking the goal itself. But it can also be what you get from the goal.

For example, you are trying to lose weight. You might not necessarily have resistance to the workout or diet. But to what happens in your life after you lose weight.

Reasons why you might be resisting something:

  • Fear – fears can run from fear success to fear of failing, and fears tied to limiting beliefs.
  • Overwhelmed – this is when it feels like it might be too much or impossible to face. For example, you feel overwhelmed with the amount of time writing your dream book will take. You’re not sure you can fit it into your already busy schedule.
  • Don’t have all the information you need – this is similar to being overwhelmed, but specifically about not having the information related to what you are trying to do. For example, you don’t know how to put together a healthy menu plan. This can make you feel overwhelmed and fearful.
  • Not the Right Time. Resistance can be a timing issue. What you are trying to do is good for you, but not now. Consider this your intuitive self, knowing you need to wait a bit. (Be careful of always using this reason!)
  • Not your goal. If you are trying to achieve something because someone else wants you to, you will find ways to resist it.
  • Spiritual block. From a spiritual perspective we can be blocked by forces that we don’t even realize they exist.  This can be everything from old energy fields you are still stuck in, curses, or a possession. Learn more about possible spiritual blocks.

How to Overcome Resistance?

  • Take a break. Sometimes we just need to step away. If you have been working on something for a while and there is resistance at every turn. You may need some time away from what you are trying to achieve. Resistance can be a sign of burnout.
  • Pay attention to your emotions and thoughts. If you resist but don’t take time to ask why or notice the emotion tied to it, you won’t be able to see the cause.
  • Break the goal down into small steps. This will help with any of the overwhelm you may be experiencing. It will also help you see where you might need to get more education or tools.
  • Ask for help. We can’t see everything, especially if we have been trying for a while. You might just need someone else to talk through what is going on.
  • Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Why doesn’t this feel right?
    • Why am I not doing this?
    • Is there a different way that feels better?
    • Am I rationalizing? Making excuses? Why?
    • Is there a way to get an “easy” win that will help move me forward?
    • Do I really want this, or am I doing it for someone else?
  • Identify any fears that may be getting in the way. I have an article on how to identify hidden fears if you need help figuring them out.

If you have tried all this and more and are still stuck, this is when you may need to determine if it is a spiritual block. You can learn more about spiritual healing here.

Resistance Isn’t Always Bad

Just a final word, about resistance – it’s not always bad. In fact, it can help you get closer to what you want if you let it. How?

A way to help you sort through the details. This is especially true if the resistance you feel is towards a goal. I have been working on a new course. And I have hit roadblock after roadblock. But each one has shown me something about the course that I could do differently and better.

A way to help you learn more about yourself. As you attempt to work towards your goals you will have to face the fears and feelings that show up. It’s a great self-awareness tool. As an example, in the course I am creating it has made me aware of an old limiting belief that continues to show up. While I have done a lot of work on it, this time it finally helped me re-frame it in a positive light.

Learning to let go and trust. This is especially true when the resistance is due to timing and/or not having the information. Sometimes we just have to trust what is meant to be will be. We can’t see everything, and trusting is what is needed.

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