Journal Prompt Series: Appreciating How Far You Have Come

This week I am sharing a series of journal prompts that will help you appreciate how far you have grown.

We often don’t appreciate how we have grown over time. Instead, we focus on recent growth. But the real magic lies not in what happens over a week or a month but longer stretches.

However, this can be hard to stay motivated when you can’t see quick progress.

Using these prompts, you will be able to see what changes you have been able to make, and keep you motivated to keep moving forward. Plus there a couple prompts that will help you take the information you have and make adjustments where needed.

This may be a series that ends up taking you a couple weeks to work through. Because you will want to explore emotional, spiritual, and mental areas of your life.

  • What have I learned over the past month/year?
  • How have I grown over the past year?
  • Does what I have learned impact my goals and intentions for my future?
  • Based on this information, what new intentions do I want to set?

When done take time to appreciate how far you have come. Even if it doesn’t feel like it is as far as you would have liked. Every step forward helps you on your path.

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Everyday healing includes tips to help you make progress in small amounts of time each day.

Journaling with Andrea is a weekly journal prompt to help you get the most from your journaling.

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