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3 Steps to Start Changing Your Life

Any change you want to make in your life starts with taking that first step. Seems simple enough, but we tend to get glitched in that first step.

This is typically because of fear. Even when we don’t know it is fear, it is.

Fear of the unknown, fear of something going wrong, fear of change. And a multitude of other fears that are specific to you and your life.

So how do you get started? Beyond the “wisdom” often given of – Just do it!?

Below I will outline three actionable steps you can take to get past the fear and start. Plus, three mindset tips to help you.

Start Small

Would you ever consider eating a large pizza in one bite? Hopefully you answered no to that! 😊

It’s not practical. You would choke, there would not be enough space in your mouth to hold it all, and it would not be enjoyable at all.

Instead, you cut it into slices and take one bite at a time. Enjoying each bite.

And maybe even not finishing the whole thing. Because you are full or realize you would rather save room for a chocolate cake.

Breaking what you want to achieve into small steps will help you get to where you want to go. And take away some of the fear of starting.

This is true no matter what you want to do. If it’s a work goal, an emotional healing journey you want to take, or even just plan a vacation.

So, exactly how do you do this?

Start with the end vision/goal. Then work backwards into what will have to happen to make it real.

Let’s use an easy example of planning something that isn’t a change. For example: I want to go on vacation. So, I must ask myself what I actually want the vacation to be. Laying on a beach? Touring an old city? Climbing a mountain? What am I doing on this vacation?

From there you can break it to components.

  • I know I want to be on a beach. Where?
  • How long?
  • How do I want to get there?
  • Who do I want to be with?

An example for a bigger change – starting emotional healing work. You want to overcome some childhood traumas. You won’t start with all of them at one time. Instead, you pick out one small one and work on it. You may decide to try to heal that with journaling and energy healing to support you. After that is gone, you go to the next bigger one. And then proceed like this till you have delt with the childhood traumas.

Get an Accountability Partner

When you are trying to do something on your own it is hard. We all have times we want to give up. It’s natural.

But when you have someone, you can reach out to at those times, it helps.

This can be anyone, just ensure that they fully support you. Don’t ask your negative friend who doesn’t think you should try anything new!

Not sure who to ask, or feel like no one in your life can be that person? Explore professionals that can help. If it’s a vacation hire a travel agent. Emotional healing? Hire a counselor. Spiritual healing? Hire an energy healer. Physical healing? Hire a personal trainer.

If budget is a concern find a community of like-minded people who are working on the same goals. Over the years I have found these people in a variety of ways here are a few:

  • Mastermind groups – great for business owners
  • Meet-up groups
  • Apps like Insight Timer
  • Networking events (this is great to meet others in your same industry or career position.)
  • Support groups – there are more options than you think and now these groups even meet on-line.

My one caution on these, is make sure you don’t end up in a group with victim mentality. Many groups are amazing and supportive. Many groups just want to sit around and complain!

Explore Your Fears

If fear is the block to you taking action, then you’re going to have to take a hard look at it. Begin to uncover what is stopping you from what you desire.

The best part of this is when you uncover the blocks, then it can be easier to get around them.

Here are some journal prompts to get you started:

  • If I achieve my dream, how does that change my life? What part of this change scares me the most?
  • Ask your fear what It wants to tell you. Most fear is trying to protect you, what is it trying to protect you from?
  • What other emotions am I feeling around this? Fear can masquerade as something else. Identify your emotions, then begin to ask why you have those feelings. A fear may show up!

Fears can be hard to uncover, especially if they are subconscious. You can learn more about uncovering hidden fears in this article.

Finally, there are some mindset things that will help you as you begin something new.

You Don’t Have to Have All the Answers

When you start there is no way you can have all the information that you need. Anything new you start will have things you don’t expect. Instead of looking to know everything before you start, look at your small steps. Then pick one to start and learn the first thing you need for that.

Not even everything for that first step, just the first thing you need to do for it.

Trust and Have Faith in Yourself

You may not know what to do, or where you may end up. But when you trust yourself, that is all you need. If you believe you can handle what comes up, you are good to go.

Don’t have trust and faith in yourself? Then start there. These are developed overtime through action. The more you do, the more you will believe in you.

A journal prompt to get you started: For everything that you say “I can’t do that” ask yourself:

  • When have I done this before? Look for other situations where you have used the same skill set necessary. New skill set completely? Look for instances when you have tried new things!
  • Why do I believe this?

Don’t Worry What Others Will Say

Most people don’t like change. Many will try and stop what you are doing. Don’t let them. Thank them for their concern and keep moving forward.

Additionally, don’t worry about what others think. It is not up to you to control what they think. And they are not living your life!

For extra help with this, I recommend The Four Agreements. It is a great book to help you move past what others are thinking or saying. You can check out my book summary on it here.

Finally, when in doubt – slow down, regroup and start again!

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