Tired of not knowing what you want from life?
Or setting a goal to only realize a few months later that you don’t want it?
Worried, you will make the wrong decisions?
Making future plans can make you want to bury your head in the sand.
Before you do that, let’s chat.
I was once very overwhelmed by what I should do next. And ended up turning that roadblock into an easy-to-use workbook that can get you unstuck.
The Start of The Smart Life Plan
After my son was born, I was overloaded with being a mom and a business owner. It was too much for me to handle emotionally and logistically. I was a wedding planner – so I was dealing with an infant and 6 brides all at once! đ±
So, I shut my business down. But I didn’t think through what I would do next. I was desperate to figure out my next steps. But was stuck in indecision (and worry over what others would think). Tired of this, I turned to what I knew – my corporate business training. I turned corporate strategic planning into a personal planning system.
After months of indecision, in one afternoon sitting at a Whole Foods Cafe I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. And in the process, I created a system that would get me through many life transitions. (You can read more about me here.)
And in doing so The Smart Life Plan was born.
Over the years I have expanded it include extra tools and exercises to help you dig deeper into what you want.
The plan moves you through topics such as value, mission and finally goals.
With the help of journaling, easy to do exercises and a structure you can keep returning to.
Why Invest in a Workbook to Help You Plan What You Want?
This workbook will save you days of trying to figure out what you want. And how to get it.
Not only does it save you time with an easy process. It also reduces anxiety and overwhelm.
Save Time
You can quickly create a plan and see if it works for you. If it is the wrong thing, you can quickly and easily pivot.
Time is money, and this workbook saves you time!
Save Money
When you can’t take action because you don’t even know what you want it costs money.
Money from lack of action.
Money from trying new thing after new thing.
Reduce Stress
Not knowing what you want in life is stressful.
Knowing what you want, but not having goals to get there is also stressful.
This workbook helps you eliminate both!
Best part?
You get all this relief for only $14.99
What Are You Waiting For? Figure Out Your Future Today!