​HI! I’m Andrea

I am an energy healer practitioner helping you get through difficult times. Finding the answers you need and the relief that will help the process.

With a combination of energy and soul healing we remove issues stopping you from making progress. Then using guidance from your spirit team you can start taking steps to help you reclaim your life.

Andrea Belzer

How do I know you can find answers? Because I have been there. I had to go through my own doubts, frustration, and exhaustion. Wanting to give up at many points along the way.

Feeling that nothing I did would make a difference.

But I have been very task focused and driven from a young age. If I wanted something I was going to go after it and keep working to find a solution.

My grandfather shared stories about me as a young child helping him do chores on the farm long after the other kids went off to play. I would eventually go play and have a blast with my cousins climbing in barns and silos we weren’t supposed to! 😁

So, when things were hard in adulthood, I kept pushing to find answers. Very rarely stopping. Maybe not the healthiest thing, but it led me to many amazing breakthroughs!

Andrea Belzer energy healing practitioner

The Cliff Notes Version of My Story

At the start of my life this drive was focused on finance and business. I bought my first stock in 6th grade. Went on to get my undergraduate in Finance and then my MBA. After working in corporate America in a variety of finance roles I decided to go out on my own.  I have owned an event planning company and a financial consulting company to varying degrees of success.

But as I was reaching my 40th birthday things weren’t going the way I thought they would. I was struggling on most fronts. But I kept pushing to find out what was wrong. This covered everything from education around my goals, such as taking marketing classes, hiring consultants, and joining masterminds.

To counseling to work on past traumas and different types of coaches to support and guide me. Fine tuning my processes, studying different bio hacks, and trying manifesting. 

I grew up Catholic and was actively practicing. But religion didn’t seem to be helping either.

After a while without bringing much consistent help and clarity I found myself needing to explore the spiritual aspects of life. This led me to working with spiritual teachers from a variety of backgrounds. While doing this work my long buried spiritual gifts started to show themselves. Which was a surprise because I used to joke that I was born without women’s intuition!

Things started to make sense. Where there was once overwhelm and doubt, I now found clarity, direction, and a sense of relief. Blocks that existed on the spiritual plane cleared what I had been struggling with for decades. It wasn’t that I was broken, unworthy or not smart enough. It was that I wasn’t looking at the entire situation.

I continue to expand my spiritual knowledge while blending it with my traditional training. Because ultimately what I learned is that life requires a blend of everything.

Your problems aren’t solved just in what you know or how you apply your knowledge.

Your problems also aren’t solved through blind manifestation and toxic positive spirituality.

It is about all of it working together. Knowing what you want. Knowing how to get it. Applying that knowledge. While clearing out personal and spiritual blocks on your path.

My mission is to help you get answers and relief. But faster than I did!

How do I do this?

At the core of how I function (and this was confirmed when I took the Strengths Finder) is that I am

  • Good at prioritizing what needs done now and what can wait.
  • Great at solving problems. Looking at things from many different directions.
  • Great at future planning and at seeing the details needed to get there. (Which made me a great event planner.)

And the part that brings all these together so you can find your solutions faster – I am very organized and love creating processes for how things are done.

So I went through my old journals, reviewed everything I have done and created a process for you to move through. Using worksheets, I developed we can quickly zero in on where there are problems. Then work to solve them!

The exception being putting a process to understanding your spiritual blocks. This is where my spiritual gifts come in. And my training in various Shamanic healing techniques.

We focus on trusting your guides and my guides to lead the way, about what is interfering with your dreams.

Ready to reclaim your life?

You can jump right in and book a session or schedule a free consultation with me to figure out what you may need and make sure we are a good fit to work together.

If you are ready for energy healing right away I recommend you start with the Illumination session. This combines energy healing with soul healing and spiritual guidance. It is a great way to get you clear and get direction.

Or you can join my mailing list where each week I share actionable tips to make healing progress everyday.

My Training

  • BA in Finance University of Iowa  – 1997
  • MBA Creighton University – 2003
  • Coaching Certificate – International Coach Academy 2009
  • Reiki Master – 2019
  • Meditation teacher – 2020
  • Past Life Regression Therapist – American Hypnosis Association – 2021
  • Curse Unraveling (Beginner and Advanced) – with Betsy Bergstrom 2024
  • Compassionate depossession (Beginner, Advanced and Practicum) – with Betsy Bergstrom – 2024
  • Mediumship and Shamanic Journeying Training – Various teachers – 2023/2024
  • Currently training in: End-of-life Doula – University of Vermont – Services will be available in April 2025