These emotional healing books changed my life.
And that is not me being dramatic. Each book I mention has had a major impact on my journey.
In fact, I can point to one book that kick started my emotional healing journey. That book was Dealing with the Crazy Makers in Your Life
But what I have learned from my coaching clients is that because each person's experience is different - there is no one right book.
So, besides sharing my favorite books I am also going to teach you how to pick out the right emotional healing book for you.
How to Pick the Best Emotional Healing Book for You
I look at emotional healing as having two main stages.
First identifying the issue(s). While this may seem straight forward, there can be small details and lost information within the healing you need. These issues can be hidden due to forgetting, not realizing it is not normal or a problem is layered under another.
It is hard to heal what you don’t know is there! This is why spending time to understand what you need is important.
The second step is to heal what you uncovered about the situation.
Using this two-step structure, you can look for emotional healing books based on what area you are focusing on. For example, if you are still trying to uncover all the details about childhood trauma around an alcoholic parent, look for a book covering that. Then as you learn more about it, you may decide that you need to heal co-dependency. Thus, you would then get a book about that.
If you feel like you are dealing with many issues, choose the one that seems to cause the most problems in your daily life!
Once you know more about the situation and what you need, then you can begin to look at books that will help you with the healing process. These books will be on specific tools such as tapping, meditation and journaling. For example, expanding on the above issue. You may decide after the co-dependency book that you need to work on some limiting beliefs. You may decide the first step is to learn to meditate. So, you can look for a book on meditation.
The following books are ones I have read and liked enough to recommend to others!
Best Emotional Healing Books for Understanding the Problems
Will I Ever be Good Enough by Karly McBride
This book is for women who have narcissistic mothers. And it is very helpful in helping you understand why you may be functioning the way you are. If you are not sure about your mom, it does offer tips on how to tell.
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Hands down my favorite non-fiction book. Four amazingly simple to "rules" to help you manage your life. But be warned, implementing these simple rules isn't as easy as reading the book! This book will help with both understanding and healing emotional pain. Check out my book summary to help you though this book.
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
After you are done with The Four Agreements I recommend this book. It expands on the agreements in relationships. Offering more insight into how to have healthy relationships.
Dealing with The Crazy Makers in Your Life by David Hawkins
My counselor recommended this book to me. And it was life changing. Hawkins covers the main types of crazy makers, so you can better see what isn't you and instead the people around you! Many who suffer from emotional trauma are led to believe it is their fault. This book helps you sort through what is and what isn't yours.
Best Emotional Healing Books for Specific Problems
Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
I had a bit of a boundaries issue and am a recovering people pleaser. This book was critical in me learning how to stand my ground and not become depleted from over giving. I highly recommend everyone read this!
The Gifts of Imperfection & Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
I read both books right at the same time. I felt they worked great together, especially for recovering perfectionist. I personally recommend you start with Daring Greatly. Then use Gifts of Imperfection as a tool kit.
Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping
This book completely changed the way I look at relationships with others. It was my first introduction to the idea of each relationship being for a lesson. Very good starting point for this type of forgiveness work. Includes exercises to help you forgive.
Self-Compassion by Kristen Neff
I would give this book a four star, mainly because I felt it rambled a bit. However, the tools in the book are very helpful. Especially the first few chapters. And I find myself referring to the basic formula for compassion often!
Books to Learn About Healing Tools
The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner
Tapping is one of my favorite tools for helping to calm and rewrite limiting beliefs! I use it almost daily. (Learn more about how you can learn to use EFT Tapping on your own.)
I update this list after I read a book that I think is worthy of being included! But you can also stay up to date on books I am actively reading by subscribing to my newsletter. At the end of each week, I share what book I am reading and if I like it! Sign up below (Weekend Wisdom is the one I share the books in.)
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