Journal Prompt: What am I Trying to Control?
What or who am I trying to control that is not mine to do?
Most people don’t like it when others butt in with unwanted advice.
Or when someone wants to come in and take over a project that they have been working on.
Getting unwanted advice or someone taking over creates animosity, resentment and a whole host of other emotions.
Do you like it when someone tries to take control from you?

I know I don’t.
Here is the tricky thing about control, we don’t want to be controlled but we often can find ourselves being the one trying to take control.
For example, if you have adult kids, it is really easy to drop back into mom or dad mode. Or you give someone a work assignment but then check on them every single day to make sure that they did it the way you want.
This week we are going to dig into where we might be trying to take control from someone else.
Why explore this?
Because taking control can cause problems in our relationships. Your adult kids won’t come to you when they really need help because they can’t trust you to not take over. Or no one will volunteer to help you if they know they will be ordered around.
This one may be difficult as we often don’t see where we do this. So, you can start by creating a list of problem relationships and then explore your role in the situation.
You can also do this by reviewing your day and asking yourself if anywhere in the day you tried to take control of the situation or person. Then ask yourself if that was yours to do.
If this is difficult to see, ask – who’s responsibility was that. This will help you see who is ultimately responsible for what you are trying to do.
Have a great week,
P.S. If you find this is a problem for you a great book to help with this is The Four Agreements. It will help you start to see what is yours and what isn’t. I have a free book study on it if you want help working through it.