Past Life Regression
You have tried everything to heal, and nothing seems to work?
I understand, I have been there. Counseling, journaling, energy work and more.
The frustration is overwhelming. But there are solutions that you may not have explored.
Including past life regression. For me, this was the tool that opened me up to possibilities I didn’t expect. So, let’s dig in and I will share with you what it is and how it can help you.

What is Past Life Regression?
Past life regression is when we use hypnosis techniques to “view” our past lives. During these sessions we are better able to understand patterns and lessons that we are supposed to learn about in this life. This understanding and healing can help us to heal current life traumas, eliminate limiting beliefs and more.
How Does Past Life Regression Help?
There can be many benefits, but to me there are three that have the biggest impact on us. They are:
Removing Limiting Beliefs
Understanding Limiting Beliefs – When you are working on emotional healing and personal growth you will eventually end up at limiting beliefs. But sometimes they just don’t make sense, there is no source. You end up frustrated that you can’t figure it out. It can be tied to a past life issue that you need to resolve. The belief might not be identifiable here, because it was from another life.
Solve Relationship Problems
Have a relationship that you just can’t seem to get over or never works right? It might be tied to a past life. You may discover a pattern of relationship issues with this soul or even contracts that need resolved.
Irrational Fears
Fearful of something but never quite understood why? It could be a carryover from a past life. Especially if it is something that needs healing! For example, if you died by drowning in a past life it may show up in this life as fear of water. Even though nothing in this life has happened.
What to Expect in a Past Life Regression Session
Before Your Session
Before you ever have your session, you may start to get glimpses into what is coming. This can occur in a dream during sleep, or sudden information coming to you. This is normal in many energy healing techniques. Once you have stated the intention to do a session, things start appearing.
During Your Session
Past life regression is a hypnosis technique. Your session will begin with a relaxation visualization that will calm you. This allows you to be able to access the brain state to be able to experience a past life.
Once you are calmed then we will ask to be shown a lifetime that is impacting what you wanted to work on. From here every session is different.
We explore until the right information comes through or your spirit team determines that you have done enough. This means you may visit multiple lifetimes to grab highlights. Or you may visit one and get into more details.
While you are exploring the different lives you may experience some of the following:
- Physical sensations – you may feel what you see in that life. For example, I had a client that visited a life that took place in the Dust Bowl. She felt the wind and dirt as she was waiting for a train.
- Strong emotions – you may feel what you felt in that past life. If you were overjoyed, you may feel that joy during the session.
- Not seeing – many assume that you will visually see everything. But this is not the case. Often you will have just a knowing, or you will hear things. Typically, what you do experience is based on what your natural spiritual gifts are. For example, if you are clairaudient, then you will most likely hear what is going on. (Click here to learn more about spiritual gifts.)
End Of Your Session
Once you have finished visiting past lives the practitioner backs you out of the relaxed brain state.
After you are fully present again the practitioner will review what was discovered. Depending on your practitioner’s expertise it may involve tips and discussion on how to move forward with the information.
After Your Session
What you experience afterwards can be different for everyone. Any type of energy work or healing work will impact you on a cellular level. Unless you have had other types of energy work done, you won’t know how you will react. I recommend you clear your schedule for at least a couple hours after, just to allow yourself some time.
Common Past Life Regression Questions
Once you have finished visiting past lives the practitioner backs you out of the relaxed brain state.
After you are fully present again the practitioner will review what was discovered. Depending on your practitioner’s expertise it may involve tips and discussion on how to move forward with the information.
Does past life regression work?
Yes, assuming you believe it will. We all have different beliefs, and these can impact how anything will work in your life. So, if you believe in reincarnation, then yes, we can have a past life regression session that will work.
What if you don’t believe? It may still work, but you will have to commit to the process. You have to enter a session with an open mind and be willing to explore new ideas.
What is reincarnation?
Reincarnation is when our soul decides to come back to earth for another lifetime. Why would we do this? Because our soul is trying to learn many lessons. This takes more than one life. Thus, we reincarnate to learn more!
Can a recorded meditation help?
While you can go into a past life on your own, it is better to do at least a couple of first ones with a practitioner. You may experience emotions and things you were not expecting. Including physical experiences. It is good to have someone with you as you learn how you handle past lives. If you find you go into a past life easily with no issues, then recorded meditations may work for you.
One thing to keep in mind with the recorded past life regressions is that if the past life you go to deviates at all from the process the recording takes you it may not be completed.
For example, I did one where the person closed out what was going on with the past life with a life contract change. But in the life I went to it was a curse that needed removed not a contract change.
Will I remember everything?
Yes, you will. You won’t feel asleep or be completely out of it. It is more of an interactive process. It is nothing like the hypnosis stage shows you have seen. You are aware of what is going on. You can have your session recorded if you want to ensure you don’t miss anything.
Can you experience a past life in your sleep?
Absolutely! This is typically in dream format. How can you tell? It will usually feel different than other dreams. Then when you wake up, you will also remember it more vividly. Try journaling about it after to understand what lessons you need to take away.
Who should not do a past life regression?
If you are under the care of a therapist, it is wise to check with them. There are some disorders that should not try hypnosis or past life regression. Additionally, your sessions will be impacted if you are drinking or under high stress. It is recommended that you take care of those issues first. Past life regression is amazing, but better for those who have put in a lot of self-healing work. This enables you to get more out of the session.
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